About Panchkarma

Panchakarma Therapy

                              Panchakarma is a set of five systematic actions used for Purification of the Body. Panchkarma is the primary healing modality of Ayurveda. It Is Preventive, Promotive and Curative also.

Benefits of Panchakarma :

  1. It detoxifies the body, Since the vitiated doshas are evacuated from the body mainly through alimentary tract so that the root cause of disease can be eliminated & recurrence of disease can be subsided.
  2. The digestive powder and metabolism are enhanced.
  3. Reverses biological age by its property of inducing by Immunity  by Rasayana Karma (Rejuvenation therapy).
  4. Minimizes drug doses & toxicity.
  5. More potent with long lasting effects, Since Normalcy of doshas and dhatus brings about normal Health.
  6. Highly personalized based on the needs of the individual, depending on the body type, dosha imbalances etc.
  7. Recommended also as seasonal treatment for toning your mind- body system Since Strength, vigor and virility are strengthened.

                 These Panchakarma therapies are useful in diseased individuals and healthy persons, for regaining Healthy & Energetic life.


Steps of Panchakarma :

  1. To set an ideal stage for Panchakarma the client is subjected to certain preliminary therapies i.e. Purva karma, i.e.-
  1. Snehana therapies
  2. Svedana therapies.
  1. Following the Purva karma the client is then subjected to main procedures i.e. Pradhana karma which includes -
  1. Vamana - (Administeration of oral drugs that induces emesis amd eliminates the vitiated and morbid doshas from the stomach)
  2. Virechana - (Administeration of oral drug that induces purgation and purifies alimentary canal)
  3. Basti (Asthapana & Ansuvasana) - (medicated oil administered in required dose through Anal / Vaginal /  Urithral route).
  1. Anuvasana Basti- medicated oil administered in required dose through Anal / Vaginal /  Urithral route.
  2. Nirroha Basti mixture of medicines is applied as enema in which decoction is a major ingredient which expels vitiated dosha and cleans Anal / Vaginal /  Urithral route.
  1. Nasya - (Nasal administration of medicine)
  2. Raktamokshana  - (Blood letting from any part of body)

In brief administration of Vamana cures Kapha and allied disorders, Virechana Pitta and allied disorders, Basti cures Vata and related diseases. Nasya is specific dosha for various diseases of Head, Neck & Shoulder region, Raktamokshana cures Blood and Pita related disorders.

  1. Panchakarma procedures likely to cause debility in clients. Hence fully restoration of physical strength is achieved by specific dietary & behavioral regimen known as Pashchata Karma i.e. -
  1. Samsarjana Krama -  Procedure specific Diet
  2. Other required Trerapies tom pacify remaining Doshas.

1.  Vamana :

It means inducing vomiting with a specific method, a special procedure in which diseases like asthma, sinusitis, chronic cold, cough, allergies, psoriasis, eczema, acne etc. and other skin diseases are treated. The toxins are removed through vomiting by giving some medicines.

 Ailments related to ‘Kapha’ are treated.

Total Duration of Treatment — 5 to 9 Days.

2. Virechana :

It means purging out in special manner. The toxins are removed by giving purgatives. The diseases treated through this method include hyperacidity, constipation, flatulence,  jaundice,  gases, skin diseases and ailments related to ‘Pitta’.

Total Duration of Treatment — 5 to 9 Days.

3. Basti :

This is ‘Medicated enema’ which not only cleans the intestine, but removes toxins from the entire body. This has been found very useful in the treatment of paralysis, arthritis, Rheumatism, backache, sciatica, spondylitis and other ailments related to Vata’.

With different combination of medicine, it is capable of  curing all types of diseases.

Total Duration of Treatment — 7 to 30 Days.



4. Nasya :

It means putting nasal drops in a scientific way . Ear, Nose, Throat problems are treated by inducing medicines through the nasal openings. Besides ENT problems, headache, early hair fall, premature greying of hair, migraine, some psychological ailments, sinusitis, epilepsy etc. Are treated through Nasya’.

Total Duration of Treatment — 7 to 21 Days.

5. Raktamokshana :

 This is a procedure in which impure blood is removed from the body. It is useful in treatment of skin disease like psoriasis, eczema, itching, lucoderma etc. Thus, the procedures followed in Raktamokshana cures diseases by removing toxins from the body and excess localised Pitta accumulated, which further protects the person from getting other infections.

                         When a person gets affected with a disease, he would take medications for it, but the disease would not be completely cured. Hence, there are chances of a relapse to occur. Panchakarma plays a vital role in eradicating a disease from its root. Thus, along with medicines, Panchakarma Procedures is helpful in attaining healthy mind in a healthy body.

Hence, we can say that, “ Any Treatment is incomplete without Panchakarma” Therefore, people can continue Panchakarma Procedures along with other pathy or medicines.